#2024DanielPrayerMeeting #PiaWorship (Pastor Lee Dong-seon) ① Lord, in my dream last night ② My thirsty soul ③ To me in the Lord ④ God's calling ⑤ The path I take in my life ⑥ Oh, by the grace of God ⑦ Jesus my savior #WorshipㅣWorship with the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit #RestorationㅣRecovery with complete healing and change #UnityㅣUnity that transcends denominations and sects The proceeds from the advertisements played in this video content will be used for the Korean church and our neighbors through the Daniel Prayer Meeting's Love Offering. Illegal downloading and unauthorized redistribution (re-uploading, re-transmission) of all videos posted on the Daniel Prayer Meeting's official channel are prohibited. _______________________________________________________ [Copyright Notice for Daniel Prayer Meeting Live Broadcast and Videos] The copyright of Daniel Prayer Meeting belongs to Daniel Prayer Meeting. If churches other than Daniel Prayer Meeting retransmit the video, the retransmitting church may incur financial damages due to copyright laws, transmission laws, etc. If you leave any records related to the Daniel Prayer Meeting online, it may be in violation of copyright law, so each church should be careful not to leave any videos. _______________________________________________________ - License Information - ※ Ollyun Church (Daniel Prayer Meeting) has obtained church copyright licenses and streaming licenses from the Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) and CCLI through the Korea Church Copyright Association. ※ You can confirm that your church has obtained licenses with the Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) and CCLI. Ollyun Church KCCA membership #0010116-0003 CCLI License(CCL) #620886 CCLI Streaming License(CSPL) #80299 ________________________________________________________ Daniel Prayer Meeting Steering Committee: 02-6413-4922~4 Daniel Prayer Meeting Homepage: https://www.danielprayer.org Daniel Prayer Meeting KakaoTalk Channel: http://pf.kakao.com/_Qdmbd Daniel Prayer Meeting Facebook: / 21danielprayer Daniel Prayer Meeting Instagram: / 21danielprayer Category Nonprofit/Social Movement