Following on from the first part, we will show you all the Chanel bags that are abundant in our store! We will introduce a wide range of items, including "Mini Matelasse", backpacks, and recommended items now that smartphone payments are on the rise! We hope that this will be helpful for you to treat yourself, a bag that will last you a lifetime, or a gift for a special person. Please watch until the end. <Click here for the first part> [2024 Collector's Edition] Showing all the popular Chanel bags! Part 1 [Classic etc.] • [2024 Collector's Edition] Showing all the popular Chanel bags! Part 1 [Classic etc.] <Previous recommended videos> [Latest in 2024] A thorough explanation of the charming Bolide of Hermes • [Latest in 2024] A thorough explanation of the charming Bolide of Hermes [Latest in 2024] We asked our customers! Top 10 popular Hermes bags • [Latest in 2024] We asked our customers! Top 10 popular Hermes bags ▼Subscribe to the channel here / @briller_syuppin --------------------------------- [Table of Contents] 0:00 Opening 0:34 Mini Matelasse 1:53 Matelasse 2:31 Others 3:47 Chain Wallet 5:13 Ending --------------------------------- Click here to see the products introduced↓ https://www.briller-gmt.com/search?st... <What is Women's Brand Salon BRILLER?> We have a store in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and offer a wide selection of women's watches, popular brand bags, and jewelry. Please feel free to contact us! Women's Brand Salon BRILLER Online Store https://www.briller-gmt.com/ In addition, our sister store, watch specialty store GMT, posts YouTube videos every Friday. We have posted videos about watches, so please take a look at these as well. YouTube Channel (GMT): / @gmt_syuppin Official Site (GMT): https://www.gmt-j.com #Chanel #Bag #Mini Matelasse #Matelasse #Mini Flap Bag #Brand Bag #High Brand Bag #Shoulder Bag #Chain Wallet #Phone Case #Popular Bag #Brand #High Brand #Fashionable #Cute #Recommended Bag #Popular Item #bag #CHANEL