2024 bee division. With the arrival of spring, bees tend to swarm. We multiply our bees by dividing them so that they do not swarm. We find the queen bee in the hive where we will divide and leave the queen bee in the original hive. We will divide the hive and take one frame with daily eggs from the main hive, one frame with fully closed brood and one frame with honey and pollen. If we are going to divide in our own range, we will close the hive lid and ensure that the workers do not return. Let's feed the bees with syrup to meet the water needs of the hive. When we call, let's keep the hive closed for three days in a cool place. Then, let's take it to where we are going to put it and open the hive lid. Do this in the evening. After five days, let's open the lid of the hive we divided and break the closed cups. Let's leave four or five closed rings. Let's feed at five-day intervals. If the bee population in the division hive is low, let's shake two frames on a nylon from the main hive and let the worker bees fly with the help of a blower. Let's shake the remaining brood bees into the hive we divided so that the population increases. When the queen bee comes out, definitely do not feed because if you feed, if the queen bee does not lay eggs, nectar comes from outside. The worker bees are killed because the queen is not laying eggs. It can be cut. Let's check the hive ten days after the queen bee comes out. If we see eggs in the eyes, let's look for a queen and paint it in that year's color. May our new beehive be blessed.