2024. 10. 3 / 2nd 3040 Middle-aged Generation United Family Retreat / Holy Spirit Hope Meeting / Pastor Eun-do Kang / Choice, Life Skills Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024 Venue: Sono Bell Vivaldi Park Sono Camp Grand Ballroom Time: 17:50 ~ 20:30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※ Praise: Beersheba Praise Team (Leader: Deacon Baek Gwan-baek) Apostles' Creed My God, you have filled my heart, I am your friend, good God, no matter what anyone says, I bow down at your feet, beautiful Lord, for us ※ Representative Prayer: Elder Yuk-hyun Lee (District Elder, Jongno Jung-gu Archdiocese) ※ Instructor Introduction/Bible Reading: Pastor Dong-seok Shin (Gwanak Archdiocese) ※ Scripture: Genesis 13:5-13 ※ Sermon: Pastor Eun-do Kang (Senior Pastor, The Pureun Church) ※ Title: Choice, Life Skills ※ All-singing prayer / New Year's prayer: Rev. Shin Dong-seok (Director of Gwanak Diocese) ※ Celebration (Leader: Deacon Baek Gyun-tak) Every Praise Turn it up All who seek the Lord Because of you Sing Sing Sing My God is a gathering worship, a scattering worship ※ Offering prayer: President Lee Jin-hee ※ Offering song: Beersheba (Turn it Up) ※ Blessing prayer & benediction: Rev. Kang Eun-do ※ Advertisement: Vice President Park Sang-ho