We will be back, one could say, or rather We are back! After long (too long) months of absence for various reasons, FdVT is back in business. While waiting for the big events and trips to come, I will devote myself to the "forgotten" montages for too many years. 2013 to 2016 were very rich years in steam trips and shows, in fact little or not enough time to edit all the films. I will make up for time over the course of this year 2023! Another change will be the presence of trains other than steam, even if they will be largely in the majority, as long as they are exceptional circulations both by their constitution and by the sites. The first example, and yet it was only a smartphone test (completely crazy this quality for a smartphone simply placed on a level crossing post), was last week the VSOE on the L4. Stay tuned as they say for the rest of the adventures!