I made a ranking of gourmet food in Hakodate based on information from the Internet. I hope it will be helpful the next time you visit Hakodate. *Please use the ranking as a reference only* *If there are multiple stores, only the store with the highest score is listed* [Sound source] movavi software (http://www.movavi.com/jp/) Free BGM DOVA-SYNDROME (https://dova-s.jp/bgm/) [Reference] ・Tabelog https://tabelog.com/ ・Trip Advisor https://www.tripadvisor.com/ ・Google https://www.google.co.jp/ ・PayPay Gourmet https://ck.jp.ap.valuecommerce.com/se... [Map] ・Google ©2022 Google Photos are quoted and videos are created in accordance with Article 32 of the Copyright Act. Google MAP images are used in accordance with Google's guidelines. #Hakodate #Ranking #Gourmet