Hello everyone, friends!) The second game pitted the Undead against the Alliance. It's always interesting to watch such games, because they always proceed very dynamically, regardless of whether a bot or a person is playing. So sit back and enjoy watching!) To be the first to know about videos and video formats, you can subscribe to my telegram channel, where I share my ideas and plans for future videos https://t.me/wacraft Also subscribe to other platforms if it's not very convenient for you to watch here (hey pss, there is also exclusive content that is not on YouTube) VK video: https://vk.com/club227656081 Zen: https://dzen.ru/severgame #wow #warcraft3 #frozenthrone #warcraft #gameplay #reforged #games #regionofchaos #recovery #варкрафт #варик #и #искСТВЕННЫЙИнтелетивность