???? EXPLORE THE UNIQUE ENERGY OF GAÚCHA MUSIC IN OUR EXCLUSIVE PLAYLIST: • BEST GAÚCHA SONGS: TOP 22 CLASSICS... ???? DO YOU DREAM OF HAVING YOUR VIDEO PLAYING AND/OR SINGING PUBLISHED ON OUR CHANNEL? THEN, CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP TO BE PART OF THIS MUSICAL COMMUNITY: +55 (51) 99955-9587. ???? FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas TIK TOK: / asmelhorescancoesgauchas SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/user/usadisc... ????LIST OF SONGS 1- Canto Alegretense - Neto Fagundes 2- We Can't Give Ourselves Up to the Homeless - Leopoldo Rassier 3- Tertúlia - Joca Martins 4- I'm from the South - Elton Saldanha 5- Memories - Porca Véia 6- Esquilador - Telmo de Lima Freitas 7- Beating Water - Luiz Marenco 8- Ravine and Border - Os Serranos 9- Veteran - Leopoldo Rassier 10- Sky, Sun, South, Earth and Color - Leonardo 11- Rural Voices - João de Almeira Neto 12- Desgarrados - Victor Hugo 13 - Rooster's Bell - Pedro Ortaça 14 - Kid - Joca Martins 15 - Bagpiper for Too Much - Old Pig 16 - That's What Old Men Like - Berenice Azambuja 17 - Milonga for the Missions - Renato Borghetti 18 - Entering M'Bororé - Oswaldir & Carlos Magrão 19 - The Story of Tico Loco - Baitaca 20 - In the Lowlands of Manduca - Noel Guarany 21 - Comparing Me to the Rio Grande - Iedo Silva 22 - Merceditas - Querência Group 23 - Milonga Under Bad Weather - José Cláudio Machado 24 - Campaign Singer - Os Serranos 25 - Beloved Querência - Teixeirinha Neto and Teixeirinha Filho 26 - The Men in Black - Caverá Group 27 - KM11 - Luiz Carlos Borges 28 - Good Guys Don't Mix - Baitaca 29 - Doralice's Wedding - Grupo Minuano 30 - Everyone Came to the Rodeo - Elton Saldanha #RioGrandedoSul #GauchoMusic #FarroupilhaWeek #TheBestGauchoSongs #AlmadoRioGrandeCandieiroCDBailãoGaúcho #GauchoMusic #GauchoMusic #The100MostPlayedGauchoSongs #MusicFromTheSouth #TraditionalMusic #The20BestGauchoSongs #MostPlayedGaucho #NativistMusic #TraditionalGauchoMusic #MostPlayedGauchoMusic, #CantoAlegretense, #WeCannotGiveOurselvesToHome, #Sortúlia, #IAmFromTheSouthMemories, #Squirrel, #PoundingWater, #BarrancaandFronteira, #Veteran, #SunSkySouthLandAndColor, #RuralVoices, #Strangers, #Gao'sTimbre,Kuri, #PipePlayerForToo Much, #That'sWhattheOldManLikes, #MilongafortheMissions, #EnteringM'Bororé, #HistoryofTicoLoco, #IntheBasinsofManduca, #ComparingMyselftoRioGrande, #Mercededitas, #MilongaUnderBadWeather, #CampaignSinger, #BelovedQuerência, #TheMeninBlack, #GoodNegoDoesNotMix, #Doralice'sWedding #EveryoneCameTotheRodeio, TelmodeLimaFreitas, #LuizMarenco, #OsSerranos, #LeopoldoRassier, #Leonardo, #JoãodeAlmeiraNeto, #VictorHugo, #PedroOrtaça, #JocaMartins, # PorcaVéia, # BereniceAzambuja, # RenatoBorghetti, # Oswaldir&CarlosMagrão, # Baitaca, # NoelGuarany, # IedoSilva, # GrupoQuerência, # JoséCláudioMachado, # OsSerranos, # TeixeirinhaNetoeTeixeirinhaFilho, # LuizCarlosBorges, # GrupoMinuano, # EltonSaldanha.