This is the words of the Buddhist monk Beopjeong before going to bed. This is a 2-hour video created by combining existing videos. Close your eyes and listen quietly. You don't have to concentrate. When you have too many thoughts and are too sensitive, or when life is difficult and tiring and you can't sleep, your thoughts will disappear and your mind will become calm. I wish the subscribers of Giant's Shoulder a comfortable and relaxing sleep. [Book Information] Find Your Real Self, Buddhist monk Beopjeong, Samteo YES24 - http://app.ac/JtwxBaM63 *I received permission to use the book from the publisher. Thank you so much for visiting Giant's Shoulder and watching it. I hope that this content will be of some help for the healing and enlightenment of those who watch it. I always cheer for your safe and happy life. This video was created based on the author's views based on the content learned from Buddhist scriptures and philosophical thoughts. You may not copy and use the full content without the author's consent. #LifePhilosophy #LifeAdvice #Audiobook #Reading #Audiobook #Quotes #GoodWriting #WisdomofLife #DharmaWheel #Buddhism #MonkBeopjeong #Audiobook #DeepSleep #Sleep #Insomnia #SleepInduction #WhenSleeping