💙 💙 If you like the channel, please visit and support the channel and subscribe to #Dammecotuongkg 💙 The channel shares the quintessence of chess secrets, tricks, tips, and techniques... in chess, basic opening, middle, and endgames, practical, classic, and modern chess games, as well as chess positions in the world..., great games of famous players, top games in world chess championships as well as in Vietnam that you, your brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and uncles have never seen before... 💙 Please support the channel #Dammecotuongkg to help post more unique and interesting clips by: 💙 Watch the whole clip, subscribe or leave a question/comment and click the share button on Facebook for everyone to see... #luyencotuonggioi, #trungcuoccotuong. #tuanhaphaovuong, #tuyetkycotuongdihau, #tuongkythapquyet Those who love chess, please take a few seconds to give me a like and subscribe to this meaningful channel! Thank you! Invite chess lovers to enjoy…. 💙 💙 Thanks! 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙