The Union of Municipal Education Directors of Pernambuco - Undime/PE will be holding the largest virtual state event on municipal public education, the 1st Virtual State Congress of Undime/PE will take place on June 25, 2020, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 4 pm, virtually, and will feature the participation of nationally renowned speakers who are experts in education and public education management. The objective of the event goes beyond integrating Municipal Education Directors, it also intends to be a moment of cross-cutting themes that include technicians and technical teams from the Municipal Education Departments, school managers, teachers, and representatives of Entities and segments of education. The event is free, and participants will receive a certificate of participation. For more information about the event, visit our website: http://undimepe.org.br, and our social networks: Instagram Undime.Pernambuco/ Facebook: Undime Pernambuco.