Here is the full video of the first solo Antaras Blood Raid on December 5, 2024. -. Currently, there are 4 level 15 blood alliances, and the Antaras raid is being conducted by joining each blood alliance with characters from 9 accounts. -. Due to the differences in the characters' classes and specs, 8 out of 9 accounts participate through selection when conducting each Antaras Blood Raid. -. Of the 8 participating accounts, one account is a monarch class and is in charge of only monarch buffs, and another account is a wizard class and is in charge of buffs. -. The remaining 6 accounts are dealers who actually attack Antaras, and the classes are also distributed in various ways. #LineageM #Antaras #BloodRaid #BloodAllianceRaid #1Person #Multi-Account #Nona #Kokki