So much for the one and only! Why there are suddenly multiple versions of Joko Winterscheidt, whether this is even allowed in public and what clever trick Joko has planned can be found here. Here is the link to part 2: • 1Live Krone incident - part 2 C... ► CHG in one playlist: http://bit.ly/CHG2016 ► Circus HalliGalli - full episodes & all videos: http://www.prosieben.de/tv/circus-hal... ► The TOP videos from old seasons: http://bit.ly/BESTOFCHG ► SNAPCHAT: halligallisnap ► FACEBOOK: / circushalligalli ► TWITTER: / halligalli ► INSTAGRAM: / circushalligalli *************************************** Welcome to the arena of madness! In “CIRCUS HALLIGALLI” people laugh, ask questions, gossip – and sometimes sing. Joko and Klaas celebrate show business – and parody it at the same time. The presenters invite national and international stars to their “CIRCUS HALLIGALLI” every week. In their show, Joko and Klaas show with a wink what the core of their entertainment is: a children's birthday party for adults...Every Monday at 10 p.m. on ProSieben. Imprint: https://www.prosieben.de/service/impr...