New Year's Eve 1989 - under the influence of unpleasant circumstances from the previous New Year's Eve, Zdeněk Podskalský was entrusted with the direction of this year's show, who decided to lead the entire show on the topic of interpersonal relationships, wooing, seduction and erotic allusions in order to avoid any possibility of censorship for political reasons. The New Year's Eve variety show, presented by Jan Rosák and Dagmar Veškrnová, was filmed in rough editing in mid-November 1989, and work on the final version was to begin in the editing room on Monday, November 20. However, the Velvet Revolution began to strongly influence both the behind-the-scenes and broadcast work of CST from Sunday, November 19. Thus, the recording was never finalized and its working version was broadcast in the summer of 1992 under the name New Year's Eve, which was not broadcast. The actual broadcast on New Year's Eve 1989 was a student New Year's Eve forum lasting over 4 hours, which was broadcast in the form of direct transmissions from various places in the Czechoslovak Republic.