On June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold, an American businessman, flew his private plane over Mount Rainier in Washington State. Suddenly, he saw 9 unknown flying objects appear, moving at incredible speed. Journalists seized on this story and invented the expression "Flying Saucer" to describe these UFOs, these unidentified flying objects. This was the beginning of the modern history of UFOs: flying saucers would invade the American skies: they were seen everywhere! Several commissions of inquiry (the Saucer Commission, Project Sign, Twinkle, Project Grudge, etc.) would be created to investigate flying saucers. The US Air Force was initially very worried: what were these incredible machines, with astonishing performances, that constantly flew over the airspace without authorization? Were they enemies? Did they come from Russia? Or Mars? This is the time of the first "ufologists" (for Ufology: the discipline that is interested in UFOs), the most famous of them is called Donald Keyhoe, he wrote the founding work of modern ufology "Flying saucers are real" (Flying saucers exist in French), in which he investigates a dramatic case: on January 7, 1948, Captain Thomas Mantell, a decorated pilot from the Second World War, was killed while chasing a gigantic, metallic-looking UFO. Concern would rise even higher when in 1952, a whole squadron of flying saucers flew over the capital (it was the famous "Washington Carousel"). Their movements at crazy speeds were recorded on Air Force radars. The population wants answers, so the army creates Project Blue Book to investigate all UFO cases in the United States, under the authority of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt. He is the one who will invent the term UFO, unidentified flying object. He enlists the services of astronomer Joseph Allen Hynek, skeptical at first, who will become over the years the greatest defender of the UFO cause. Yes, flying saucers invaded the earth from 1947, and the first years of their history are fascinating! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The modern history of UFOs begins in 1947 in the United States. At the time, they were called "flying saucers" or "flying saucers" in French. An incredible story, with a hint of conspiracy and science fiction, told by Franck Istasse in 9 episodes richly illustrated with archives, testimonies and reconstructions to immerse us in the surprising world of UFOs. Find all the episodes of the series on Auvio via https://link.rtbf.be/Ovnis_podcast or on our site https://link.rtbf.be/LesOvnis 0:00 1947: the invasion of the saucers - UFOs the fascinating story (1/9) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? Find La Première on Auvio ► https://auvio.rtbf.be/chaine/la-premi... On the RTBF site ► https://www.rtbf.be/lapremiere On Facebook ► / lapremierertbf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © RTBF #ovnis #history #podcast #ufoキャッチャー #history #belgium #belgium #podcast #lapremiere #lapremierertbf #rtbf 1947: the invasion of the saucers - UFOs the fascinating story (1/9) 2652278