Kazuko Kojima (Kazuko Kojima), who plays Toshiko, the daughter of Katsue Takaishi (Kinuyo Tanaka), also appeared in the following film a few years ago. 1935 (Showa 10) "The Child's Trouble" A masterpiece silent comedy film! [With subtitles] • 1935 (Showa 10) "The Child's Trouble" A masterpiece silent comedy film to watch on Children's Day! ... The last scene caused a huge applause in the venue! Katsue Takaishi appears in a white coat. Kozo Tsumura watches over her. Oh, she's in a white coat? ? I'm sorry to say something personal in front of you all, but I'd like to say a few words to my old colleagues who are sitting in front of me on the second floor. To everyone at Tsumura Hospital, it's been a long time. Thank you so much for coming this evening. You all came together without forgetting the past, and in response to your kindness, I have decided to stand on stage in the clothes I wore when I worked with you all in the past. As a token of my gratitude to everyone, I will be singing in this outfit.