In a few days I will have materials to build a foundation slab. In the meantime, a loose monologue about the costs we've incurred so far :) ONE-TIME SUPPORT: I run this channel and share my knowledge in my free time. If you like the materials I post, have found them useful and you would like to support me with a one-time payment, you can do so very easily through Suppi: https://suppi.pl/programistanabudowie → What kind of house will we build? • 1. What kind of house will we build? Our f... → How did I fence the plot? • 10. Fencing the building plot. F... → Plan of our house: http://bit.ly/programista-na-budowie-... -- 00:00 How much does it cost to start building your dream house? -- Music: Youtube -- independent construction of an energy-efficient house modern house single-story barn house on a foundation slab building a house 2020 how to build a house step by step construction using an economic system yourself how much does an individual single-story house project cost cost of starting construction of a single-story house #building a house #economicsystem #constructionvlog