Hello everyone! My name is Sean Gizatulin and today you are watching “Wahafacts” on the Warp-Beacon channel. Here we briefly talk about various phenomena in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and also talk about little-known details of its vast history. And the topic of this issue of “Wahafacts” will be the Primordial Truth of Warhammer. That without which the arrogant nonentities who imagine themselves to be the masters of the galaxy, and everyone else too, cannot exist. That which they dream of in their nightmares. That which will one day rule over all. Chaos. The author of the video’s public VK page: http://vk.com/shawn101 You can donate at any time and support the release of the video here, at any time: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/pups_rk OR https://www.donationalerts.com/c/pups_rk if you cannot open the RU link (or do not have a VPN).