Games should be fun, but with the nasty games of narcissists, it is at best a one-sided pleasure. If you learn to recognize the games of narcissists, you can make better decisions and protect yourself. Contributions to other topics are now available on separate channels: Homepage - https://www.karstennoack.de Profile - https://www.karstennoack.de/karsten-n... Twitter - / karstennoack Instagram - / karstennoack YouTube channel: Protection from toxic contemporaries - / @karsten-noack Fears and anxiety disorders - / @aengste YouTube channel: Better living - / @gutesleben YouTube channel: Presenting convincingly - / @praesentationstrainer 38 signs that you are dealing with narcissists - • 38 signs to recognize narcissists... More videos on the topic of narcissism and narcissists - • Narcissism and narcissists Help: Coaching & advice - https://www.karstennoack.de/narzisste... Therapy - https://noack-therapie.de/therapie-be... Video content: 0:00 Introduction 0:46 Attention 1:10 Narcissistic games 2:11 Why do narcissists play mean games? 2:53 What games do people with narcissistic personality tendencies play? 5:05 How can you tell when games are being played? 5:27 Love bombing: First the carrot, then... 6:48 Misleading responsibility 7:18 Promoting guilt 8:03 Twisted roles: Playing the victim 8:57 Gaslighting: Influencing perception 9:42 Triangulation: Puppet show 10:45 Hoovering: Sucked back 11:14 Ghosting: Sudden loss of contact 11:56 Revenge 12:25 Flying monkeys: Henchmen in action 12:48 Isolation: Like being cut off 13:25 Devaluation: There can only be one! 13:59 Minefield: Walking on eggshells 14:31 Silent treatment: Silence as a weapon 16:32 Micromanipulations: Pinpricks 17:48 Smear campaigns: Throwing dirt 18:05 Magic tricks: Drama, smokescreens, amnesia 18:36 Stalking: The game is not over yet 19:23 Need for action 20:24 What to do? 20:59 Support 22:03 What are these nasty games about? 22:31 Conclusion