February 5, 2020. A narcissist is very difficult to recognize. He appears kind and sensitive, but in reality he is incapable of love. He abuses almost unnoticed, insidiously. In episode #17 of the Örömvilág podcast, I bring up a really difficult topic. It is about relationships in which deception, manipulation, emotional and even physical abuse are commonplace. I recently announced a poll on my Facebook page. The question was: “Does your partner often blame, humiliate or criticize you?” 38% of the respondents said that yes, this often happens. This is a very high rate and really saddening. We often have no idea what terrible things can happen to a seemingly happy family or couple, one of the most insidious versions of which is a narcissistic relationship. According to statistics, the proportion of people living with narcissistic personality disorder in the population is around 1%. These are seemingly kind, intelligent, sensitive people, who are well-liked by their wider environment, but who show a completely different side to their partners and children at home within the four walls. They imperceptibly ensnare their victims (even several at once), then dismantle them and make them impossible. A relationship with a narcissist literally consumes a person. Experts and survivors say: there is only one way out: to escape and end all contact. In this episode, I talk to a lady who is very dear to me about this topic. Regina Huszák is a survivor of a narcissistic relationship that lasted almost 7 years, who is now coming out to the public to help others recognize and leave the nightmare behind. In the show, we talk about the characteristics of people with narcissistic personality disorder, and what a relationship operated (dominated?!) by them is like. If you feel that you are not affected, please still listen to this podcast episode, as it is important that there are as many of us as possible who are able to recognize the problem and provide help to potential victims! You can share your opinion, points of view, or even your own story in the comments, or by e-mail to [email protected]! My current programs: https://www.oromvilag.hu With love, Noémi Tomek Motivational speaker, Coach, Master trainer, Podcaster ThetaHealing® Certificate of Science & Master Instructor [email protected] #self-knowledge #narcissistic #awareness #spirituality #changeofperspective #tomeknoemi