On Sunday 29 September 2013, the Shanty and Sea Songs Festival in Zandvoort was organised for the sixteenth time. At 4 locations, namely in the Haltestraat opposite Laurel & Hardy, the Gasthuisplein, the Dorpsplein at Yanks Saloon and the Kerkplein opposite Café Koper. The festival started in the village with a choir singing on the steps of the town hall. The Fishwives Choir Sootje Visch, Weesper Trekvaartkoor, Mixed Zandvoort Brass Ensemble, Aan Lager Wal from Leeuwarden, VOC from Vijfhuizen, Dulle Griet and the Shanty Choir De Pôllesjongers from Woudsend are also well-known in Zandvoort. Newcomers this year are Ringvaart, Krakend Tuig, De Binkies, and West Aleta.