#warhammer40k #40k #nurgle #chaos #death_guard VM 106 Librarium: Chaos Space Marines - • VM 106 Librarium 40k - Chaos Space Marines... VM 126 Librarium: Death Guard - • VM 126 Librarium 40k - Death Guard... VM 163 Librarium: Necromunda and Its Inhabitants - • VM 163 Librarium - Necromunda and Its... Ah, the plagues! Cough, runny nose, drops, masks, fever and procedures. The evil truth of life. But do not despair, pathetic humans, Warhammer is a different matter! In the darkness of the distant future, there are also good ailments - from Grandfather Nurgle himself! Hello everyone, Shawn Knoxville here, and today we're going to crawl into the old man's armpit to find the perfect plague for everyone! The author's VK page: http://vk.com/shawn101 You can donate at any time and support the release of the video here, at any time: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/pups_rk OR https://www.donationalerts.com/c/pups_rk if you can't open the RU link (or don't have a VPN).