#warhammer_40k #40k #chaos_space_marines #black_legion Hello everyone! My name is Sean Gizatulin and today you are watching “Wahafacts” on the Warp-Beacon channel. Here we briefly talk about various phenomena in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, as well as talk about little-known details of its extensive history... Hello, Inquisitor Markos, how is your investigation? Nothing? I know your nothing, after it the crematorium can not cope. And interrogator Pepito with you! Why is he so sad? Today he burned only three heretics? Well, do not be sad, kid, you still have time, the Emperor has a galaxy full of enemies! All the best! Oh, this Inquisitorial Congress “We are drowning for the Golden Throne”. So many people, so many worries, and today - especially! After all, we are discussing the Black Legion! The author's public page on VK: http://vk.com/shawn101 You can donate at any time and support the release of the video here, at any time: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/pups_rk OR https://www.donationalerts.com/c/pups_rk if you can't open the RU link (or don't have a VPN).