Let's celebrate the ships' birthday together and give gifts: https://wo.ws/3cQ7Snc Complete special combat missions, collect portal chips and win! In this video you will learn 16 secrets and facts about STALKER that you may not have known Some information was taken from the STALKER Wiki: Zone Chronicles website: https://stalker.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D... https://stalker.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D... I am on Vkontakte: https://vk.com/zanzax Stalker secrets, stalker secrets that you did not know, stalker facts, stalker 50 facts, stalker facts that you did not know, satlker facts that you did not know, stalker 50 facts, stalker secrets, secret monsters, stalker where to find, interesting facts stalker, 16 secrets about Stalker that you DIDN'T KNOW, 16 secrets stalker, 16 secrets stalker, Zanzax / Zanzax