???? Become an AkuGitara Patron and gain access to: ✔ constantly updated educational materials for guitar and ukulele ✔ constantly updated songbooks and arrangements of songs for guitar and ukulele ✔ music theory graphics ✔ constantly updated database of chord diagrams for guitar and ukulele ✔ exclusive lessons, available only to patrons and many, many other benefits... ➡ https://patronite.pl/akugitara In this episode, I list and systematize the most important beats needed to play songs in any rhythm and meter. If you want to sort out this and that about rhythm playing, be sure to watch this lesson! The names of the beats used in this material are colloquial terms. Some of them are even invented by me. They should not be treated as official musical terminology. ???? Timeline: 0:00 Introduction METRUM 4/4: 1:14 The principle of constructing beats based on eighth notes 2:22 HARPAGAN BEAT 4:05 Harpagan beat divided into 2 chords in a measure 4:30 MARCHING BEAT 4:48 DISCO BEAT 5:03 COUNTRY / FOLK BEAT 6:01 LATINO BEAT 6:25 REGGAE BEAT 6:43 The principle of fingering in rhythms based on eighth notes 7:19 The principle of constructing beats based on sixteenth notes 7:51 SIXTEEN BEAT 8:09 TRIPLE BEAT 8:40 PAT METHENY STYLE BEAT 9:10 The principle of fingering in rhythms based on sixteenth notes METRUS 6/8: 9:50 BEATING IN 6/8 10:41 Principle of fingering in 6/8 METRUS 3/4: 11:24 EIGHTH NOTE BEATING IN 3/4 12:08 SIXTEEN (TRIPLE) BEATING IN 3/4 12:39 Principle of fingering in 3/4 13:16 TRIPLE BEATING IN 3/4 13:42 Summary 14:34 BEATING IN ODD METRUS 5/8, 7/8 and 9/8 - ways of construction with examples 16:53 Conclusion ----- ???? Learn to play the guitar using my online courses - I will guide you from the basics to the advanced level: GUITAR ➡ https://www.akugitara.pl/produkt/paki... UKULELE ➡ https://www.akugitara.pl/produkt/paki... ???? Support me and become my patron: https://patronite.pl/akugitara ???? See the offer of the AkuGitara online store: https://www.akugitara.pl/sklep ???? Join the AkuGitara & UkuLele community on Facebook: / akugitara ◾️ FB: / akugitara ◾️ IG: / akugitara_pl ◾️ WEBSITE: https://www.akugitara.pl