CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY MASS Fr. Martín Durán 33RD SUNDAY OF THE TIME DURING THE YEAR Readings: Daniel 12, 1-3 SR 15, 5.8-11 Hebrews 10, 11-14.18 Mark 13, 24-32 Live broadcast. November 16, 2024, 7:30 p.m. The parish does not receive contributions from the State. It is only sustained and grows through the generous collaboration of its faithful. You can participate in the collection by following this link https://inmaculada.org.ar/donaciones Thank you for helping us maintain the parish and for Mary Immaculate to continue reaching out to all those who need her! Immaculate Conception Parish (B) Vuelta de Obligado 2042, CABA, Argentina https://www.inmaculada.org.ar