We have compiled a list video of the experiences of those with bad eyesight who wear glasses. Putting on your glasses as soon as you wake up in the morning, your glasses fogging up when you drink something hot, getting annoyed by those who try to wear glasses, being made fun of as four-eyed when you were little... People with glasses experience these all! ► The Hayat Okulu videos on our YAPYAP channel are right here: https://goo.gl/pKVnza You can download YAPYAP's mobile app now: ► Android devices: https://goo.gl/F1WvEe ► iPhone and iPad: https://goo.gl/LjfECj Click to watch the fun videos on Mediakraft's other channels: ► Oha Diyorum: / ohaadiyorum ► Oyun Delisi: / oyundelisi ► BonbonTV / bonbontv Follow us on Facebook: ► / mediakraftturk