Analysis of the third trailer for Poppy Playtime Chapter 4, featuring the introduction of Doctor Harley Sawyer as the main villain of Safe Haven. ⭐️ Join our NINTENDO TROOP and receive benefits: / nintendúo Follow us on our networks so you don't miss anything! ✅ Our website: https://nintenduo.com ✅ Twitter: https://nintenduo.com/twitter ✅ Instagram: https://nintenduo.com/instagram ✅ Discord: https://nintenduo.com/discord ✅ Facebook: https://nintenduo.com/facebook ✅ Twitch: https://nintenduo.com/twitch If you want to support our channel you can do it like this: ???? Join our NINTENDO TROOP and receive exclusive benefits: / nintendúo ???? Code in the Fortnite store: Nintenduo ???? Super Thanks #Poppy #PoppyPlaytime4 #PoppyPlaytime #Yarnaby