In this 15th podcast episode, Sara addresses the issue of consolidating health after sick leave due to a work accident. Here is the summary: 3'00: consolidation = stabilization of your state of health 5'00: this ends the work stoppage for the work accident and daily allowances 6'00: your employer will organize a return to work medical examination with the occupational physician who will determine whether you are fit, fit with reservations or unfit 7'37: in the event of unfitness without the possibility of reclassification, my dismissal procedure for unfitness is triggered 8'00: one-month period without pay with the possibility of benefiting from temporary unfitness allowance 8'45: difference between consolidation with after-effects or recovery in the absence of after-effects 10'00: consolidation with after-effects 12'00: setting the incapacity rate which may give entitlement to the payment of a capital sum or an annuity paid by the CPAM 12'30: coverage of post-consolidation care 12'45: the possibility of having a relapse covered of the work accident 14'22: the departmental house for disabled people (quality of disabled work, etc.) 15'20: in the event of dismissal, the difference between incapacity of occupational origin and incapacity of non-occupational origin 16'40: the special severance pay or double severance pay 17'05: the industrial tribunal can award compensation equivalent to the compensatory notice indemnity and damages for dismissal without real and serious cause (compensation for loss of the employment contract) 17'50: the evidence to be gathered 18'40: the action for recognition of the employer's inexcusable fault before the social division of the judicial court 20'10: the conditions to be demonstrated to obtain recognition of the employer's inexcusable fault 22'33: you can be consolidated but still take treatment or have physiotherapy! 24:00: in case of disagreement with the consolidation pronounced: follow the appeals and deadlines carefully, which may be short!