Now the smile has spread on the faces of the couple Kohinur-Malek. Even after Allah Almighty gave them 11 children one by one, they are now childless. The couple had only one small house, which was burnt to ashes in a terrible fire a few days ago. After receiving the news, I rushed to their house and published it in a small video. Seeing this, many people from the country and abroad extended their helping hands and under my supervision, I gave them a house, toilet tubeway, a mother goat with a baby and some groceries. At the end, I gave them the remaining 17500 taka in cash. The helpless family was very happy with this help and prayed for the helpers. See the rest in the video. In case of need- 01712 250700 Chitrapuri Facebook Page - / rimanik.krishi Chitrapuri Agricultural Pictures- / @chitrapurikrishichita chitrapuri Village Cooking- / chitrapurivillagecooking