A few spontaneous sentences about our experiences with an off-grid electrical installation in a camper, about the demand for electricity and devices that allow us to save energy. I show how exactly the situation looks based on data in the Victron Energy application for the MPPT regulator. In addition, someone throws blocks in front of our car, Wirek finds a great bug, Ola doesn't remember how to make coffee in an aeropress, I talk a little about the experiences of people traveling in campers with thieves in Spain. We also visit Cartagena and I discover what this handle in the door is for :D 0:00 Shortcut 00:30 Shit in front of the entrance 3:44 Ola makes coffee 6:55 Electrics in a camper 9:39 Victron application 11:58 Thieves in Spain 13:35 Cartagena 17:26 Stupid videos