It can be viewed in full screen, maintaining the quality of the video. Se puede ver a pantalla completa, manteniendo la calidad del video Ref. 1311230601 On November 23, 2013, a tribute was held in Elgoibar to the Haritz Dantza Taldea on its 40th anniversary. The following took part in the tribute: Deba's Gure Kai Euskal Dantzari Taldea. Pamplona's Duguna Dantzari Taldea. Eibar's Kezka Dantzari Taldea. Galdakao's Andra Mari Eusko Dantzari Taldea. Donostia's Argia Euskal Dantzari Taldea. Portugalete's Elai Alai Dantza Taldea. The musicians and dancers seen in the video are: Portugalete's Elai Alai Dantza eta Musikataldea. More information and dates. http://txokomusikaladantzarika.blogsp...