Believe it or not! Many people have never used or know what a Virtual Assistant is. But the objective of today's video is not to demonstrate a product or device, I want to help you learn more about your Amazon Alexa and BOOST your use as a user, being able to enjoy functions that, possibly, EVEN YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT!. Watch the video until the end and check out these 13 more Tips here on the Gui Casa Inteligente channel!!! #guicasainteligente #casainteligente #smarthome #alexa #echodot #echoshow #amazon ???? ► HOME Automation COURSE YOUR SMART HOME: Purchase at this link: https://hotm.art/suacasainteligente ► BUY HERE the products or services in this video: Amazon Music Unlimited - https://amzn.to/4eE35zu ► Buy your Alexa and Help the Channel: Echo Pop - https://amzn.to/3BpL5e0 Echo Dot 5th Generation: https://amzn.to/3zAGFAq Echo Show 5: https://amzn.to/3pezbub Echo Show 8: https://amzn.to/3SPVljK Echo Show 10: https://amzn.to/3bPItcM Echo Show 15: https://amzn.to/3w2Vjv5 ► Follow me not only here: Instagram: / guicasainteligente Facebook: https://business.facebook.com/latest/... Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@guicasainteli... Telegram Sales and Referral Group: https://t.me/+V6qeQMExo79lMTgx The links above are affiliated, by buying through them I earn a small commission from the site and you help me to continue producing content. #YourSmartHome #AlexaForFree #EchoDot #EchoShow #SmartSwitch #SwitchWithoutNeutral #HomeAutomation #Tuya #SmartLife #SmartHome #GuiCasaInteligente #GoogleHome #Alexa #Amazon #Ekaza #sonoff