#128 - Excel VBA - Inserting data into Access - VBA and Importing - Part A This lesson originated from an interview I did for Karen Abecia's channel (I Swear, It Works!) where I demonstrated four different ways to connect to an ACCESS database. In this introductory lesson, I will explain how to export data from Excel to Access using Insert in VBA and also by importing the spreadsheet directly from Access. Lesson content: Access Data Import Wizard Insert VBA Do While Loop Routine Tips on how to safely insert How to connect to an Access database Have a good lesson! Help me grow my video channel. Watch, like and share this video! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mercado Livre (Sale of 101 VBA classes on Pendrive) http://bit.ly/2kRpoe5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video that teaches how to download my spreadsheets • Video Access to the spreadsheets: www.sigaonerd.com (APOSTILAS DO NERD section) Facebook: / alessandro.trovato.3958 Twitter: @aletrovato Confirmation link Youtube channel / @alessandrotrovato