In this video I offer you the tools to survive on your own in the photographic life. Special report “Photographic Survival Kit” (Article) http://bit.ly/2Zrod6k “12 photographic actions to grow” (Video) • 12 SIMPLE and ... Books: Paris Mon Amour (Taschen) https://amzn.to/2YQhDZ4 La fotografía del Siglo XX (Taschen) https://amzn.to/3dA plan that will change your photographs in twelve steps. Galleries https://bit.ly/2UCc5Og Great photographers https://bit.ly/2wHYCfS Photo-Gym http://www.photo-gym.com/ Photos by Werner Bischof https://bit.ly/3bvVrXj Destroy this diary https://bit.ly/2UpxBqL Paloma Castellanos dictionary https://bit.ly/2JkeSGL Marie-Loup Sougez dictionary https://bit.ly/2UGN0lf Photographers from A to Z https://bit.ly/2UqM6KN Art throughout history https://bit.ly/2Uqljy0 Gombrich art history https://bit.ly/3dAwrjx