Meditation Guide Book: The Lake of Tranquility Author: Zen Master Ajahn Chah SUMMARY: There are three types of meditation: 1- Forgiveness meditation, to eliminate anger. Forgiveness meditation has three parts: asking others to forgive you, forgiving others yourself, and forgiving yourself. 2- Loving-kindness meditation - metta meditation 3- Insight meditation The essence of Insight meditation Begin the practice by sitting upright and paying attention. You can sit on the floor or on a chair. At first, you don't have to try too hard to pay attention. Just pay attention to your breathing in and out. If you feel that reciting Buddha's name can help strengthen your concentration, you can recite "Buddha," "Dhamma," or "Sangha" as you observe your breathing in and out. (It is important to pay attention to your breathing, reciting Buddha's name is just a means to help concentrate.) When observing your breathing, you must observe naturally, without controlling your breathing. Trying to control or manipulate your breathing is a mistake, because when you control your breathing, you will feel that your breathing is either too short, too long, too light, or too heavy. You will feel as if you are not breathing properly, and you will feel uncomfortable. Just let your breathing work naturally. By doing so, you will eventually notice that your breathing is gentle and regular. When you observe your breathing in and out, if you are alert and completely steady, you are breathing properly. When your mind wanders, stop, adjust your attention, and return to your main object. At first, when you focus on your breathing, your mind tends to want to take your breathing in a certain direction. Be calm, don't worry or try to adjust it. Just observe it, and let it be natural. Meditation will develop by itself. When you do this, sometimes your breathing will stop, but don't be afraid, you will breathe regularly again later. The cessation of breathing is just a feeling that arises from your perception, in fact the breathing continues naturally and gently. After a while you will see the breath as clearly as before. If you continue to keep your mind calm like this, then wherever you are — sitting on a chair, in a car, on a train, etc., you can focus on the object and enter a state of peace quickly and easily. Wherever you are, at any time, you can meditate. When you have reached this level of progress, you have understood the Way to some extent. But you must also observe the objects of the senses. Direct your calm mind to forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and thoughts. All objects of the body and mind are objects for you to focus on. Whatever arises must be observed and noted; must be noted whether you like it or not. Note objectively, do not let the objects of love or hate influence your mind. Love and hate are just reactions to the outside world. You have to look deeper. Gradually you will see that all feelings of love and hate are actually impermanence, suffering and non-self. Classify all good and bad, good and bad, good and bad into the three categories of impermanence, suffering and non-self. Whatever they are, let them be, just observe them and do not interfere with them. That is the way to practice vipassana meditation. Doing so will bring peace and tranquility. Soon, insight into impermanence, suffering and non-self will arise. That is the beginning of true wisdom, the essence of meditation, leading to liberation. Observe your experience, look at it and continue to try to see the truth. Learn to let go, not to cling to reach peace and tranquility. [...] ???? Listen to the full collection of The Lake of Tranquility - Venerable Ajahn Chah: • 1. Introduction Zen Master Ajahn Ch... ???? Read the book The Lake of Tranquility - Ajahn Chah at: https://theravada.vn/category/cac-tac... ???? Like and subscribe to the Youtube channel to listen to more good Dharma talks: / theravadavn ???? Download the Theravāda app (iOS & Android): https://theravada.vn/app May you be Happy, Peaceful, and Liberated! Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu... ???????????? Follow all Theravāda Buddhist channels: 1. Youtube: / theravadavn 2. Sounclould: / phatgiaontheravada 3. Website: https://theravada.vn 4. Fanpage: / nentangphatgiao 5. Medium: / phatgiao 6. Apple Podcast: https://bit.ly/theravadapodcasts 7. Google Podcast: https://bit.ly/theravadavn 8. Spotify Podcast: https://bit.ly/theravada-vn 9. Archive Store: https://archive.org/details/@theravad... 10. Radio: https://radio.theravada.vn 11. Twitter: / theravada_vn 12. Instagram: / theravada.vn 13. Pinterest: / phatgiaotheravada #HuongDanHanhThien #ThienSuAjahnChah #MatHoTinhLang #AjahnChah #Theravada #phatphap #phat Giao #phatgiaotheravada #phatgiaonguyenthuy #meditation #vipassana #thienvipassana #dhamma #buddha #buddhism #buddhateachings