Would you like to discover twelve healthy habits that intelligent people apply in their daily lives? This video explains the habits that have been proven by scientific research and observations to improve intelligence! Reading books, regular exercise, meditation, time management, curiosity, problem-solving skills and more... Intelligence is a constantly evolving process and you can improve your intelligence with these habits. Which habit would you like to start implementing? Don't forget to share it with us in the comments! Don't forget to like the video and share it with your friends! #IntelligenceDevelopment #Habits #PersonalDevelopment #ScientificResearch #ReadingBooks #Exercise #Meditation #TimeManagement OUTLINE: 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:29 Diving into the Sea of Knowledge 00:01:23 Fit Body, Fit Mind 00:01:45 The Silent Power of the Mind 00:02:18 Road Map to Success 00:03:07 Experiencing the Excitement of Discovery 00:04:00 Overcoming Challenges 00:04:55 The Importance of Strong Relationships 00:05:50 Paving the Stones of the Road to Success 00:06:16 Questioning Information 00:06:49 Feeding on Information 00:07:09 Fuel for the Brain 00:08:06 The Power of Thinking Differently 00:08:58 Outro