Do you think being rich means earning a lot of money? You are right, of course, but that is not the only condition. In fact, the key to accumulating wealth is smart spending. Sounds counterintuitive? At first glance, some purchases seem too expensive, but in the long run, they will help you save a lot. For example, buying a coffee machine may seem expensive, but it will pay for itself in just a couple of months. The same goes for expensive clothes. They last longer, and if you take care of them, they will serve you for at least several years. In the end, you will save not only money, but also precious time. So let's take a look at what millionaires advise buying to climb to the top of the financial ladder. By the way, at the end there is a small bonus for you, but it will be useful only if you watch the whole video. Other videos you might be interested in: 16 Expensive Things You Need to Save Money • 16 Expensive Things You Need to... The 12 Most Expensive Planes in the World Owned by Millionaires • Video 19 Things That Only Exist in the USA • Video Timestamps: A Nice Car 0:36 ???? Smart Subscriptions 1:14 Discounted Products 1:52 Quality Clothes and Accessories 2:27 ???? Coffee Machine 3:15 Smart Home Technologies 3:59 Education 4:34 Promotions 5:09 Later Versions of Electronics 5:46 ???? Leisure and Recreation 6:24 Things That Will Stay with You for a Long Time 7:12 ???? A Little Bonus for You 8:00 ???? #howtoberich #richpeople #brightside Contents: Choose a car that doesn’t require expensive maintenance and hasn’t had any serious accidents in the past: it will serve you for many years. It is better to connect only those services that you definitely need. For example, pay only for those channels that show your favorite shows or buy external storage instead of paying for the cloud every month. The surest way to wealth is frugality. Discounts do not always mean low quality: usually, this is just a marketing ploy to make you buy more of a certain product, and the store would still come out on top. Low prices on clothes and shoes usually mean that they are made of cheap materials and are of poor quality. This means that they will last for a season at most, after which you will have to buy new ones. It seems that the decision to stop for a drink on the way will not result in big expenses, but if you calculate in the long run, you will see how misleading this conclusion is. A couple of clicks and swipes, and voila — dinner is cooked, clothes are washed, and the house is cleaned by automated devices while you calmly go about your business. Self-development is the path to a better life, and therefore to a more prosperous future. But don’t focus on the money. It won’t get you rich. There are many startups that offer something innovative and different. If you spend some of your money on buying these shares, you can get fabulously rich when these companies successfully launch on the market… or not. When a new product comes to market, its version becomes the first by default. If you buy it right away, you will most likely encounter glitches and system errors that were not detected during testing. Work, study, and creating opportunities for yourself are all very important, but you need quality rest no less. Otherwise, you risk simply “burning out” even if you sincerely love what you do. Whatever you buy - a car, a laptop, or a refrigerator - consider it a long-term investment. Will you use this thing for many years or even decades, or will you replace it in a couple of months? To get rich, you don’t need to buy something that makes you get into debt. If you need to get a loan to buy a new car or take out a mortgage to buy an apartment, you better think twice. Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Subscribe to AdMe: http://goo.gl/DgUonf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is life! on Youtube: https://bit.ly/2tKobHX Take and do Kids https://bit.ly/2H5MVlY Stock materials (photos, videos and others): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More cool articles and videos on http://adme.ru/