????Guarantee your security with Surfshark! ???? Use coupon code BUKIDANI for three free months or click the link: https://surfshark.deals/bukidani There are moments that you would rather hide from people. There are times when you try, try, and the moment is built into it that it will NOT be awkward, but you can't make it happen. And there are times when you just let it happen, to be awkward, and the moment is actually a long, drawn-out event in which you can't necessarily decide who is embarrassed. No matter how funny or embarrassing the moment is, you know that I love collecting such moments from the internet and sharing them with you. So today, with the support of Unibet, comes the ELEVENTH part of the awkward and funny and hilariously awkward moments. The channel is supported by Unibet: https://bit.ly/unileet #game #toplist #dani Support us with a channel membership and we will give you even more extra content! / @buki_dani And here you can find our fan discord server: / discord ♦ FOLLOW OTHERWISE ♦ ????Twitch: / buki_dani ????Facebook: / bukidaniyt ????Instagram: / buki_daniyt ????TikTok: / buki_dani ????You can find more toplists in this playlist, you will definitely find something you like! ???? • Toplists, selections ????????And here you can find our previous Lore videos, if these interest you more:???????? • Lore videos, game stories ☝☝ Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss our other videos! ☝☝