THE PEAK NIGHT OF THE 10TH GUS DUR HAUL COMMEMORATION. TESTIMONIES BY: 1. DR. MARSILAM SIMANJUNTAK, SH (SECRETARY OF THE INDONESIAN CABINET DURING THE TERM OF PRESIDENT KH. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID) 2. IR. SARWONO KUSUMAATMADJA (MINISTER OF INDONESIAN MARITIME EXPLORATION DURING THE TERM OF PRESIDENT KH. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID) 3. PROF. DR. KH. NASIHIN HASAN (GUS DUR'S FRIEND) CORE SPEAKER: KH. BAHA'UDDIN NURSALIM This time he read a book about Mbah Hasyim by As'ad Syihab and translated by Zainur Ridho, M.Pd.I KH Hasyim Asy'ari is the holder of the 14th sanad of the Sahih Bukhari Muslim Book. He deepened his religious knowledge in the land of Hijaz and studied a lot from scholars born in the Archipelago in Mecca such as Shaykh Nawawi Al-Bantani, Shaykh Mahfudz Termas, Shaykh Yasin Al-Fadani, and other scholars. Kiai Hasyim Asy'ari is competent in religious knowledge, but he does not close his eyes to the Indonesian nation which is still in a colonized condition. His anxiety was expressed in a meeting in Multazam with his fellow friends from Africa, Asia, and also Arab countries before Kiai Hasyim returned to Indonesia. The meeting took place one day in the month of Ramadan at the Grand Mosque, Mecca. Long story short, from the meeting an agreement was born between them to take an oath before "Multazam", near the door of the Kaaba to respond to the conditions in their respective countries which were under colonization. The contents of the agreement included a promise that must be kept when they arrived and were in their respective countries. While the promise was in the form of a determination to fight in the path of Allah SWT. for the sake of upholding the Islamic religion, trying to unite Muslims in the activities of spreading knowledge and deepening Islamic religious knowledge. For them, this determination must be initiated and brought together by taking an oath. Because at that time, the conditions and socio-political situations in Eastern countries almost had the same fate, namely being under the colonial rule of the West. Upon arriving in his homeland, KH Hasyim Asy'ari kept his promise and oath at Multazam. In 1899 AD, he founded the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School in Jombang, East Java. Buy the book at Pustaka Tebuireng Contact: 081232776019 IG: pustakatebuireng #haul_ke10_gus_dur #haulgusdur #gus_baha' #biography_mbah_hasyim #teachers_mbah_hasyim