50,000 layer chickens are being reared in Brahmanbaria's Billal Poultry Farm, from which biogas is made from environmentally polluting chicken droppings. On the one hand, as the environment has been freed, on the other hand, the farmer is bringing home extra income. Those of us who have cattle farms or poultry farms can definitely install biogas plants in this way if there is space, on the one hand the farm will be odor free and on the other hand we can get uninterrupted electricity and gas. Watch the video for details. If required - Abu Saeed - 01886 848182 Chitrapuri Facebook Page - / rimanik.krishi R.E. Manik - / @rimanikchitrapuri Chitrapuri Village Cooking - / chitrapurivillagecooking If required - 01712 250700