Friends, if you have a desire to thank the author and the opportunity to support the development of the channel, you can do this at the link below: Yandex Money: https://yoomoney.ru/to/41001394835169 (Yandex and payment by bank card) Subscribe to our telegram channel. Here we discover the secrets of transurfing and learn to use them to change our lives: https://t.me/secretytranserfinga Greetings, dear friends! Today's video is not just affirmations. These are the keys to your doors of financial prosperity that will help you open the flow of wealth into your life. I have collected for you 100 of the most powerful affirmations by Vadim Zeland that will fill you with the energy of success. They will provide you with real support in achieving your financial goals. Listen and repeat these affirmations every morning for 21 days and watch how your life changes.