100 facts about Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh is an anime that revolves around a card game and for some reason I feel called upon to list 100 facts about the Yugioh anime, manga and TCG. Have fun! You want to see Yu-Gi-Oh! content that is both entertaining and informative? Then subscribe to this channel, because here you will regularly be provided with a good mix of comedy and information about #Yugioh. The website where I play Yu-Gi-Oh! is called DUELING BOOK. Become a channel member: / @ck-phoenix Instagram: instagram.com/ck__phoenix/ I have been dealing with the topic of Yugioh for 15 years. Both the card game and the anime. One day I had the idea to upload a YouTube video and now I have landed here. A huge thank you goes out to my absolutely loyal community. This channel will feature deck profiles, display openings and discussions about Yu-Gi-Oh! However, since these 3 formats are represented by every Yugituber and are absolutely 0% creative, I will also have other formats, such as The DUMBEST Duels in Yugioh etc.