100 Amazing Facts About Cats You Didn't Know! Ready to learn all the fun facts about your favorite furry friends? This episode will tell you 100 amazing facts about cats - from their unique habits to hidden abilities! Want to know why cats love boxes so much or how they show affection for their owners? Join us and get ready to be amazed! Support the channel with a donation: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/sava... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savatop17/p... TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@savaznaet1?_t... #facts #animals #animals #facts #new #news #top #new #catfacts #cats #interesting #pets #pets #funny #learnmore #cats #catlovers #CatFacts #Cats #PetLovers #FelineFriends #AmazingAnimals #FunFacts #CatsOfYouTube #CatLovers