Hello friends, the video on how to make an incubator is now with you. We did it for the first time, I hope we succeeded, I hope you like it. The most effective factor in the transformation of a fertilized egg into a living being is heat. Regardless of the heating system of the machine, the only principle that does not change and must be followed is that the average heat is regularly transmitted to the embryo in the egg. The average heat to be transmitted is 37.7ºC for chicken eggs. High heat above normal is accepted as 38.7ºC, and below normal is accepted as 35ºC. In these cases, embryo deaths are high in eggs that remain for a long time. The most delicate period of incubation is the youngest and tender periods of the embryo. High heat in this period is very dangerous. Materials: Digital Display Temperature Humidity Meter: https://www.robitshop.com/urun/dijita... W1209 Thermostat Digital Relay - Temperature Control Card: https://www.robitshop.com/urun/role-c... Voltage Regulator: https://www.robitshop.com/urun/regula... Fan: https://urun.n11.com/sogutucu-ve-fan/... Incubator Rotation Motor: https://urun.n11.com/yedek-parca-ve-a... 12V 1A Adapter: https://www.robitshop.com/urun/12v-1a... Circuit Diagrams: https://hizliresim.com/2Li31U https://hizliresim.com/RlXiwZ #EDIT1: FRIENDS, WE MADE IT 2 TIMES WITH THE MACHINE AND 1 TIME WITH CHICKEN AS A RESULT OF THE TRIALS, TWO CHICKS CAME OUT OF 73 EGGS. THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT COLOR THAN OUR ROOSTER. AS A RESULT, OUR ROOSTER IS STERILE AND OLD. WE MIGHT HAVE TO BUY A NEW ROOSTER AND HAVE IT MORE TIME.