We are living in the age of 100-year lifespans! A smile is the best medicine for a long and healthy life! Have a good laugh at these funny and slightly sad Silver Senryu poems! The senryu poems recited in the video are mainly taken from books by: National Paid Nursing Home Association (Public Interest Incorporated Association) Miyagi Silver Net We do not intend to infringe on copyrights, but if you find them offensive, please let us know in the comments section. Thank you. Sites where materials are usedDOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/ MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/bgm.html Otojin https://on-jin.com/ Amacha Music Studio http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/ Pocket Sound https://pocket-se.info/ OtoLogic https://otologic.jp/free/license.html Illustration AC https://www.ac-illust.com/ Photo AC https://www.photo-ac.com/ Irasutoya https://www.irasutoya.com/ icooon-mono https://icooon-mono.com/