Feedback on the Skillfactory course "Junior Analyst from Scratch in 10 Weeks" In this video, I will tell you about my experience of studying at Skillfactory on the course "Junior Analyst from Scratch in 10 Weeks". I have just started training in data analytics and so far I like everything. Why I decided to master this profession and what I like about the Skillfactory platform, you will find out from the video. Timestamps: 00:00 - BURNOUT TO PSYCHOLOGY 05:49 - RETURN OF RAVES 07:00 - ROMCOM CORE 08:42 - JOY WORKOUT 10:41 - IS CREATIVITY ALL? 14:08 - SKILLFACTORY REVIEW 17:11 - FOOD 19:30 - SITUATIONSHIP 21:48 - CROSSPOSTING 23:15 - LITTLE LUX 24:56 - GOOGLE IS DYING 26:19 - REVOLUTION OF REALITY 29:04 - THE END OF THE CELEBRITY ERA #skillfactory #skillfactorycoursereviews #skillfactoryreview #skillfactorycourses