10 tips for becoming a professional musician - Part 1 This video is to answer the questions I've heard all my life! "How can I make a living from music in Brazil?" Is it possible? Is it feasible? Well, the answer is that it's not an easy task, but of course it's possible! Living proof of this is me, who has been living exclusively from music for over 30 years! But the most important thing is that with these tips you don't have to learn by hand like I did! Haha,.. Everything is explained and I hope you can enjoy it and also leave a comment if the tips were useful, if you've ever thought about them and if you've ever experienced a situation like this, okay? For information about my classes, my album, production/recording, POD presets or any other subject, visit my official website where you can talk directly to me https://billybrandao.com.br/ (And take the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter and be the first to know all the news!) I want to hear from you. Besides, that's what you know, right? Subscribe to the channel, like it, activate notifications, etc.,… Hugs and next week there will be part 2!