Try BookBeat 30 days for free: https://tinyurl.com/7xmkrfcw Code: ANIAGEMMA ------------------------------------------- Hi, today I have a list of things I've been buying more of since becoming a minimalist. Let me know what you're buying from this list. ------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS 00: 00 INTRODUCTION 00:49 EXPERIENCES 02:05 EDUCATION 03:03 AUDIOBOOKS 06:01 SECOND-HAND 07:04 ETHICALLY PRODUCED 07:53 REUSABLE BAGS 08:51 GOOD QUALITY 10:08 HEALTHY EATING 11:23 PLANTS 13:29 COSMETICS ------------------------------------------- Link to the video with reusable bags: • 100 WAYS TO LIVE WITHOUT WASTE Z... -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Instagram for an ethical lookbook and tips on how to look great without using chain stores / aniagemma Facebook for statistics and interesting articles from the web / aniagemma ------------------------------------------- Subscribe: / aniagemma