Hello, viewers of the channel! In today's video, we invited a team of historians who are also fighting on YouTube to recommend history books to you, from theory to the history of Brazil. In addition to Leitura ObrigaHISTÓRIA, there are 8 channels and ten book recommendations written exclusively by academics with a degree in History. It's a long video, but it's worth it not only for the great book recommendations, but also to get to know all these channels! CHANNELS: The Historian: https://bit.ly/2QBRciu Get out of the Matrix: https://bit.ly/2yusOrT Historizing: https://bit.ly/2H7xNDc Historiô: https://bit.ly/2LpT0NP Parabolic: https://bit.ly/2jss7JQ The New Time Machine: https://bit.ly/2PJYrsP André Azevedo da Fonseca: https://bit.ly/2Rafj8C History of the Dictatorship: https://bit.ly/2H4yu0W BOOKS: Twelve lessons on History https://amzn.to/2H5xslv Intimate Stories https://amzn.to/2vFkyEe Age of Extremes https://amzn.to/2DSAyHD The lords of the coast https://amzn.to/2PPXAU0 Brazil: a biography https://amzn.to/2JhdjKC 1964: Decisive Moments https://amzn.to/2VjtaQf João Goulart: A Biography https://amzn.to/2VfM1M5 History of Private Life in Brazil Vol 4 https://amzn.to/2Y7dFYD 1964: The Conquest of the State https://amzn.to/2vIaw5a Myths and Political Mythologies https://amzn.to/2PNW8le *********************** OPENING: MOTION DESIGN: sogno.cc MUSIC AND AUDIO: https://vimeo.com/toroaudio *********************** Support us financially through APOIA.SE: https://apoia.se/obrigahistoria *********************** OBRIGASTORE, the channel store hosted on Doppel Store https://tinyurl.com/lojaobrigastore *********************** Visit our website for texts, podcasts and much more: www.leituraobrigahistoria.com HISTORY FM: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SPOTIFY PODCAST https://tinyurl.com/historiafmspotify CASTBOX https://tinyurl.com/historiafmcastbox ********** CHANNEL PARTNERS *********** ACERVO DO CONHECIMENTO HISTORICO Blog www.acervohistorico.com *********************** HELP THE CHANNEL BY SHARING IT FROM THIS LINK: http://bit.ly/obrigahistoria